
Property Type Default Value Description
date Date | string Initial date
minDate Date | string Minimum date that can be chosen. By default the minimum date is 100 years before the current date.
maxDate Date | string Maximum date that can be chosen. By default the maximum date is the current date.
months string Names of the twelve months, separated by comma.
order string 'dmy' 'd', 'm' and 'y' indicating in which order the combo boxes must be displayed.
attrsDate object An object with the attributes (such as class or style) to add to the select element for the date.
attrsMonth object An object with the attributes (such as class or style) to add to the select element for the date.
attrsYear object An object with the attributes (such as class or style) to add to the select element for the date.
yearOrder string 'asc' Sorting of years ("asc" or "desc")
timezone number A number indicating the timezone to be used when converting a string or an integer to a date. By default the timezone of the client is used.
placeholder string Placeholders for the year, month and date combo boxes (in that order), separated by comma.
disabled boolean | boolean[] false A single boolean value indicating if combo boxes should be disabled or an array of boolean values indicating a disabled state for each of the three combo boxes

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